我有兩個自閉症的孩子, 大兒SS現21歲,輕到中度自閉, 從前評為輕度智障,最近是智力中下; 小女JJ今18歲, 亞氏保加症, 算是高功能自閉症。我們家族裡並無自閉症的歷史。兩個孩子先後證實為自閉症,我作為母親,也只能盡一切努力幫助他們。 這裡紀錄了生活的點滴:媽媽的眼淚,有憂傷的,也有喜悅的--只願媽媽的眼淚能灌溉寶貝,讓寶貝茁壯地成長......
2010年3月6日 星期六
張貼留言 (Atom)
For sure it is hard!!My friend's daughter, she was very good in Elementary school, once in grd. 6, she has been changed, no interest on schooling................now 14 years old, she is getting worst.............end up in Girl detention centre.????? I am not sure who's fault???????What's wrong????????I believe one thing for sure>>>>>Teen age is a bomb!!!!!!! A trigger for rebel????????
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/08/2010 23:58:00]Really difficult. The parents have just found that CC is an Asperger! Right now, we think both parents and the school need to learn how to handle/ teach an Asperger.
A radio programme this morning at 881 " 同途有心人" talked about similar problem is due to 思覺失調, consult doctor la !
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/09/2010 00:00:00]Thanks for the information! CC has just been diagnosed as Asperger.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/09/2010 00:04:00]剛剛知道CC被診斷為亞氏保加症。目前似乎她的父母首先需要學習接納孩子有障礙。
I believe CC feels bad but cannot control herself. During the last 2 weekends, I attended a workshop on "How to deal with teenager" cos I have encountered similar problems in dealing with my elder son who is now 13 turning 14 soon. Frankly speaking, I do not have high expectations on the workshop but do want to learn more. To my surprise, when I practised the skills and "I" message to my son, he told me more than usual. I felt so satisfied when he said he was happy after talking to me! A volunteer emphasized that we have no "integrity" in front of our kids cos we love them and they are far more important than integrity. This doesn't mean that we have to give in but to give them room and space which the teenagers always ask for. If you trust him that he can do one thing, sooner or later he will succeed. Am still learning everyday. Instructor also challenges us to speak only one sentence but allow our kids to speak 9 sentences and the other way round as we usually do.
回覆刪除Have missed out a very important word in the last sentence which should read, "Instructor also challenges us to speak only one sentence but allow our kids to speak 9 sentences and NOT the other way round as we usually do"
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/10/2010 17:55:00]Very good advice, but not easy to do. We all need to learn to listen, no matter our kids are special needs or not.
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回覆刪除[版主回覆03/13/2010 23:11:00]對呀,我們是終生學習。