Well done kids!
SS, JJ: 親親你們!
我們所能做的就是事前預備了有關檢查牙齒的 “social story” 跟你們反覆講解,還請ABA老師跟你們模擬一次過程,好讓你們有足夠的心理準備。由於估計妹妹JJ的蛀牙要處裡,於是我們預備了你喜愛的禮物做獎品;平時刷牙的時候,媽媽又用牙線牙籤替你清潔,並且告訴你牙醫伯伯也是如此做。
SS and JJ, you both are excellent!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/30/2007 11:12:00](Empty)
回覆刪除In fact, my whole family (my husband, my elder son and myself) see Dr. Chang also. Justin did visit Dr. Chang once but after he sat on the chair, he is so uncomfortable and stayed for only one minute to let Dr. Chang to have a brief look inside his mouth. Afterwards, whenever I tell him it's time to have a dental check-up, he always says NO! (I didn't mention to Dr. Chang that he has a-feature)
[版主回覆10/30/2007 13:09:00]ic
I told the Dr. Chang my kids are autism. He allowed my kids to search around first. And then he showed a little dentist mirrors (samples) to them and said if they could behave well, they would have them.
He used many praises to encourage them, and allowed them to stop if they felt uncomfortable. He also encouraged them to look at him when he spoke to them....
Certainly the social story also helps to prepare my kids for the checking.
Thanks, I will try again!
回覆刪除You did a great job, and the kids are marvelous
[版主回覆10/31/2007 16:04:00](Empty)
我諗睇牙醫都係我地小朋友嘅最大考驗之一, 能順利過渡最係值得高興同讚許!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/31/2007 16:17:00]是呀, 我們孩子的每一小成就都特別直得高興, 因為得來不易呢!
SS,JJ好叻呀 !
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/31/2007 16:14:00]