2013年12月11日 星期三

O Christmas

踏入十二月,各個商場都響起聖誕歌聲。往年當SSJJ還在唸小學時,這個月份是我們家最忙、最緊張的時候,因為孩子們的學校一大傳統盛事就是Christmas Carol的表演。SSJJ都喜歡唱歌,也參加了學校的合唱團。於是我們得管接管送他倆參加練習、彩排,觀賞他們的演出…..,總是要忙到放聖誕假。並且由於JJ容易情緒高漲,我們還要跟學校的老師們溝通,小心處理,以免她「失控」……


等候孩子們從劇院出來時,我們碰到另一位家長。她的獨子跟SSJJ就讀同一所幼稚園,年齡比SS小一年。小時候只知道她的孩子有些障礙,卻跟SS/JJ 的表現都不同,後來還是確診為亞氏保加症/高功能自閉症。因為SS的緣故,她的孩子也跟著上了同一所小學及中學。她還辭了一份極好的工作,親自訓練兒子。 我們每次在學校遇見都會聊幾句,交換一下教導孩子們的心得,互相給予鼓勵。這天見到她寬容舒心多了,原來她的孩子這兩年有顯著的進步。媽媽固然功不可沒,但她學懂了面對問題,自會感到輕省。


The Twelve Days of Christmas Special Needs

On the 1st day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: a child with special needs.

On the 2nd day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: a heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 3rd day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: an ache in my heart and a heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 4th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: a tear in my eyes, an ache in my heart and a heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 5th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: an unsuspected strength for the tear in my eyes and the ache in my heart and my heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 6th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: a ray of hope, an unsuspected strength for the tear in my eyes and the ache in my heart and my heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 7th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: a sense of humor, a ray of hope, an unsuspected strength for the tear in my eyes and the ache in my heart and my heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 8th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: supportive friends, a sense of humor, a ray of hope, an unsuspected strength for the tear in my eyes and the ache in my heart and my heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 9th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: remarkable doctors & therapists, supportive friends, a sense of humor, a ray of hope, an unsuspected strength for the tear in my eyes and the ache in heart and my heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 10th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: an appreciation of small accomplishments, remarkable doctors & therapists, supportive friends, a sense of humor, a ray of hope, an unsuspected strength for the tear in my eyes and the ache in my heart and my heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 11th day of Christmas, the good Lord gave to me: a sense of pride and courage, an appreciation of small accomplishments, remarkable doctors & therapists, supportive friends, a sense of humor, a ray of hope, an unsuspected strength for the tear in my eyes and the ache in my heart and my heart full of love for my child with special needs.

On the 12th day of Christmas, the good Lord said to me:
Reach out and share your sense of pride and courage,
your appreciation of small accomplishments,
your remarkable doctors & therapists,
your supportive friends,
your sense of humor,
your ray of hope,
your unsuspected strength for the tear in your eyes
and the ache in your heart
and your heart full of love for your child with special needs.

Via A Very Special Needs Resource.