2007年10月26日 星期五



大兒SS是自閉症,自幼有很好的音樂感、節奏感,但是對聲音也非常敏感,無法容忍任何不喜的聲響。我們知道他喜愛音樂,又因為他的小肌肉發展弱,故此五歲半開始讓他跟姑姑學鋼琴,因而發現他天生有絕對音準(perfect pitch)。後來做音樂治療,由於他對鋼琴有興趣,也特別加強這方面的訓練。



兩個多星期前,我終於想到用ABA方法(應用行為分析療法),令SS開始練習彈音階。ABA方法簡單地來說,就是把孩子要學的內容分成數個比較容易做到的小步驟,每一個步驟反覆練習,待練成後,才教下一個步驟。在整個學習過程中,可用各種提示及技巧幫助孩子,並且立即獎勵正確的答案或行為。年幼的孩子可用愛吃的零食分成小份用作獎賞,稍大的孩子則可用其他的方法讚賞,比如貼紙,畫笑臉。盡量用他們可看見(visual cues)的東西使他們明白目標,知道自己做得怎麼樣。







9 則留言:

  1. sjmamam,

  2. sjmama,
    你對Biomedical Treatment同ABA嘅呢幾篇blog, 都寫得好詳細呀!
    我仔仔都學緊琴呀, 我都寫過少少關於訓練手肌嘅資料, 好以睇睇...不過我估你都已經識架喇. 

  3. 條link嘅呢個-
    [版主回覆10/27/2007 17:53:00]藍色的珠子沒見過呢, 我也去找找看, 謝謝!

  4. Patience and Love,=impressive result. Thanks for the information.

  5. 一份耕耘,一份收穫。你咁努力,仔仔囡囡的進步就是最好的回報!

  6. 我的孩子我妳的一樣,都有Abosolute pitch,我興幸是音樂治療師發現的,繼而那裏學了四年多的琴和音樂治療訓練;亦都在幾年前的暑假,在治療師安排下進行了一整個月的ABA,效果相當好!
    [版主回覆10/27/2007 17:54:00]如果是孩子自己確定的目標, 那就更好了!

  7. 各位:
    謝謝! 讓我們一起努力, 汗水,淚水不會白流的.

  8. Dear sjmama,
    my son has just passed his grade 2 piano exam. For a normal 8 years
    old, passing a grade 2 exam is a piece of cake, but for my son, with
    his clumsy fingers and poor concentration, he has certainly come a long
    way to achieve this. He was the one who requested for the exam and we
    are so proud of him. Last year he has lots of behaviour/social 
    problems at school and I felt so hopeless, but this year, suddenly
    everything has improved. Now I really understand there is always up and
    down when raising our special child, we just have to be patient and
    stay positive.
    Thanks for sharing all  the information  in your blog, it's really helpful!  

    [版主回覆11/02/2007 10:03:00]Dear pamam,
    So surprised to see you here! Thanks for sharing! Congratulations to your son for passing grade 2 exam!   Well done!
    I wish some day my son would request for the exam. But I know it's quite impossible. Not just practicing those pieces, but attending the exam and listen to the examiner, who is a stranger and follow his/ her instructions will be very tough, particularly to our kids whose attention is weak.
    Yes, being patient and staying positive is very important to us. Yesterday we had a meeting with our son's teachers and we're told that he's incompliant recently. I have to remind myself about that.

  9. Hi, sjmama
    I am wewangwang, I just come to know that you have made such a wonderful blog to share your experience, tears and laughter with us. Thank you for all your efforts.
    My son is also perfect pitch and he just passed grade 4 piano exam with ‘merit’ - 127 points. It really surprised me as he was very nervous when he entered the exam venue. I thought he made up a mess in his exam pieces.   I really thank god for giving him such a gift. He always plays songs after hearing from school and he can compose songs with ease. I hope SS can keep on playing piano and attend exam in future , not for the result but for a big step forward himself.
    Hi Pamam,
    Glad to hear that your son has good progress in his social life. My son ‘s social life makes me feel very upset. His social skill is still poor. He knows the theories but he cannot make it. He is too childish when comparing with his classmates. Hope he can have breakthrough some day. His class teacher asked him to play piano in next week’s school assembly, hoping that he can use his musical abilities as an arena where he can gain success and recognition.     My son said he feel nervous but he promised, though reluctantly. Good luck to him.
    I have put my son’s articles and some video in his blog http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/wanghei-mylife
    [版主回覆11/06/2007 10:47:00]Hi wewangwang,
    So glad to see you here! Wanghei is marvelous!
    Wanghei and pamam's son are very high-functioning. I don't think my son can attend the exam. Just hope to keep his interest in playing piano.
