2009年1月4日 星期日

外傭患癌 僱主需承擔開支--我們的經歷


7 50 7 。(蘋果日報2009年1月2日)







結果,她繼續對新工人經常呼喝、責罵,她雖然康復,但我們不在家時,所有的工作她都要新工人做、也不理孩子們。她簡直就把自己當作主人,要新工人做完工作才能吃早餐,又對她說如果她不滿意,她可以走。有些工作我交待新工人做,但她竟然在我們不在家時,教新工人說Mum not here, no need to do. If she asks, just say we do it already…..

她每天早上講電話,下午睡午覺,有時甚至在我的床上睡。還用我的cream(她告訴新工人說This cream is good to skin.)。對我們的態度也差了,經常黑口黑面;SS生病我們叫她按時餵SS吃藥,她忘了,竟要另一個工人一起說謊,但我媽媽當時也在我家,簡直當她透明。又向我們借糧說寄回鄉給兒子結婚。當時我們以為她搏炒,但她跟新工人吵架時說Let’s see when you’ll leave.



其實我想指出的是:一方面外傭合約要雇主承擔所有的醫療費用固然不合理,也不可能。像我們當時用了四萬多元,但2004年時香港公立醫療未實施醫藥名冊,有人說如果是現在,可能要十幾萬;病情若更嚴重些,甚至更多。試問一般聘用外傭的雇主哪有能力負擔?!任何一份雇傭合約都不可能要雇主承擔無上限的責任(unlimited liability)!就算我們想替外傭購買危疾保險,可是保險也會有限額,更何況保費不少呢!


9 則留言:

  1. It is a big issue!!!!!!

  2. agree employer should not bear the whole responsibilty, reasonable medical insurance is suffice. I don't think what you did was wise, but you know what, you have saved a life, although your helper seemed to be ungrateful, you have done your due, and you can sleep like a baby at night.

  3. There is no legal responsibility for one to save life...it is totally a moral discernment and choice.  Surely, it's not legally wise and may not be a good choice even on humanitarian grounds.  But a choice was made and something was done.  It was a choice that I think should always be left to the individuals to make but should never ever be imposed by law or policy as a duty.  When it comes to policy, there should be a clear limit as to obligations and liabilities, even though we accept that there is some kind of contractual obligation on the employer's side regarding medical and health care for the employee.  And DH employers shouldn't be taken as having the same capacity of a corporation.  Even a big corporation would not take on an unlimited liability.  The fundamental problem of the standard DH contract is that many terms are broad and carry big implications.  The whole thing has to be reviewed.

  4. I have different views ...... if you treat your DH as a family member, it is fair to help her recovery.  Finally, you saved a life, in which $$$ can't buy back.  Imagine if you keep worrying about her sickness in your nightmare every night, it is of a great pressure.
    I appreciate you did save a life.  No matter whether wealthy or poor, problem that can be solved by $$$ is not a problem.  You know, there are many many unrecovered problems in the world.  We may indirectly save a life for one whom we don't know, so what if someone we knew !    Frankly speaking, if $$$ can heal autism completely, will you pay for it without thinking.  Peace is more valuable than $$$.  Better not to weight how much $$$, time and efforts have been spent and then judge it is a waste or worth or not !
    What I guess why she behaved differently is simply because you hired one more DH which may affect her job opportunity  !  That's very common in families which have one more DHs.  It is also similar in office with staff in same positions, it may introduce conflicts.  The old staff will become bully and is unpleasant with the new comers !
    I agree medical insurance may help on this issue.  I support your offer of medical treatments, nothing to regret.

  5. There is no difference in our views and we have never regreted about what we did at that time and yes, as many of you have said, we tried to save a life.  Life is valuable and precious in itself!!! And we just did what we thought was appropriate and good at the time being.  The remaining should be left to the will of God.  (Traditional wisdom: "Man proposes and God disposes".) What I was saying was that for the long term benefit of the society, the layman's duty to save life (I am not saying the professional duty of people such as doctors or nurses) should better be placed in the realm of morality (a choice by individuals) instead of law or policy.  And when it comes to law and policy, liabilities should be clear, limited and predictable.
    We never regret making that choice at that time.

  6. ”施恩莫望報”

  7. Employment Ordinance stipulates only that an employer shall not dismiss an employee whilst the employee is on paid sick leave.
    Even the HKSAR Government will not bear the medical expenses of a civil servant who suffers from cancer.  The Government can also invalidate the employee.
    Your kindness is a virtue.

  8. 很對! 做了我們認為該做的便已足夠

  9. 正如外子Siu_Ming所說,我們做了該做的,沒有後悔。只是後來回想,當時建議菲傭留港醫治, 只考慮了香港的醫療"應該"比菲律賓好,沒有想到她患重病還有其他的需要, 尤其是情感上, 或許這影響了她日後的行為.所以才說對她也許不是最好的安排。
