2009年11月13日 星期五







Dear Miss K,

Thank you for your notes about SS.

They are no more little kids and socializing is getting more a complex issue for them.  SS is well intended, looking for friends and trying to make friends, in his own way and language, which always appear odds and are misunderstood.  (Fortunately he has a cheery face, happy soul and sunny smile!)  His language is delayed, interest limited and behavior rigid.  (But school life has helped him improve a lot!)  Just because of these difficulties he tends to repeat the same questions and do the same thing, whether he wants to start a dialogue, keep a conversation or show friendship or affection.  Adults can understand.  But his peers may not.  We as parents are asked the same questions, for example, about buses and cars all day throughout the week.  This is how he opens conversation.  He enjoys in doing so as he not only finds enjoyment in these, but also a relationship.  We are very tired, especially after a whole long day of work, but somehow we can enjoy in this type of not-so-usual dialogue as it is one of the limited ways to open up his world and help him to communicate with others.  It’s a heart-to-heart communication.  Not a matter of plain words and language.  In the open contexts of the social world in which he has to be on his own, attachment and fixation somehow give certainty.  Unfortunately, these sometimes are not socially acceptable.

I think we have to handle this carefully, with the interest of both children in mind, and to approach the situation in a positive, educational way.  Let the children learn to see it as a matter of differences and preferences instead of right and wrong.  SS will be very upset too if he takes it as a matter of his wrong or being blamed.

Strategy 1

There is a need to keep a longer distance between the two children by not putting them in the same group in learning activities.  Guide and encourage SS to join a group which C is not in.  (But don’t highlight that it’s because of C.)  Ask him to find someone else as he has to learn to work with different people.

Strategy 2

Talk to C about SS’s difficulties and that SS has never meant to upset/ disturb her.  Unlike most of the classmates, SS takes longer time to learn to behave in a more socially appropriate way.  Let C think it this way: SS is never a trouble maker at school.  Ask her to think positive about SS and try to understand his difficulties.  There is no need to get upset.  I guess SS just wants to be included or wants a sense of togetherness with his classmates, especially his favourite ones.  I observed him for a while on the playground during lunch time after the Sports Day morning and I discovered that he just sat near but not very close to the girls (C, P, and others.) when having lunch.  He was very well behaved and didn’t mind when the girls left.  Sitting near together in a very loose circle is SS’s concept of friendship, even though there is no dialogue, or just monologue.  That’s it!  SS won’t ask for more than that!  It would be really kind of her if she could still say hello or goodbye to SS before and after school.  (I guess this is the first time when C and SS are in the same class.  Some of the classmates who have been with SS since Y3/ Y4 may know more about SS’s difficulties as I remembered that his class teachers had spent some time talking to the kids about SS.)  Inclusive education is always a two way process.

Strategy 3

Talk to SS in a positive way but got to handle it with care.  Don’t let him get the message wrong.  I have started a dialogue with SS already.  We want to see how SS would report and see this.  He doesn’t like JJ to follow him around as well.  There is a common point here.  We will make use of this to construct a “social story” for him to teach him more socially acceptable behavior.

Best wishes,

SS’ Daddy

4 則留言:

  1. Yeah, it's a good letter for them to understand!!! As a teacher, this kind of things happened all the time at school, they should know how to handle it. However, it is a good start for them to plan some lessons regarding friendship and socail skill for the students. 
    My little one doesn't know how to wipe his nose, school sent him home???????
    [版主回覆11/15/2009 23:47:00]Yes, we always think that it's a two-way process. If we adualts can handle well, all kids wil benefit.
    How's your kids? Hope they have recovered.
    HK's weather is strange recently, both SS and JJ get cold and have slight fever today. Hope they will be fine soon as my husband will have a trip to Beijing this week.

  2. 我兒以前都被投訴過,所以他現在完全唔同女生玩,他話她們是nothing but trouble,常常誤解他的意思,累他俾老師和媽咪鬧,雖然這只是斬腳趾避沙蟲,但總算冇再被投訴。
    女孩比較早熟,也最受peer pressure影響,可否叫K老師也輔導一下那些取笑C的同學呢?
    [版主回覆11/15/2009 23:52:00]SS還不懂女生這個年齡絕大多數不愛跟男生玩,就算自己沒問題,也怕同伴笑。我們已經跟老師說了,希望有點幫助吧。

  3. 貴校的老師都充滿愛心,若能擔當中間人,擔當調停和輔導的角色,相信不止SS,就是其他同學也能受惠的!

  4. sjmama:
    您好,有關於新高中的最新消息,貼在我的網誌,方便的話,可否代為廣傳!謝謝妳! 《今次篇網誌真係出得街!》
