2009年2月8日 星期日




平時她都很快寫上「開心」,然後再畫圖畫;如果有點不高興,她也會加上附註。可是這一天她遲遲不肯動筆,非常猶豫。最初我還以為她累了,建議替她記錄,但她堅持要自己寫,卻又磨蹭了一陣。我這才察覺孩子有心事,連忙問她今天是否「不開心」。JJ終於告訴我:當天早上在校車裡,她被同車另一所國際學校的一群初中學生嘲笑,先是說她 “dirty” ,看見她氣急,又起鬨說她就快要哭了。JJ說她很不開心,她不喜歡人家這樣說她,而且不止一次了。我問她有否告訴校車保母,保母有沒有處理。她說有,保母也警戒那些中學生不要再鬧,但她仍然不開心。




14 則留言:

  1. I think we can mention to that teenage group regarding JJ and SS, a special needs student. Hopefully they will understand the situation!!!!( The bus driver or the attendent can explain to them, plus they have to deal with it right away!!)
    Now a day, both side have to be taught about bullying!!!! Offenc and Defence!!!!
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:32:00]We didn't tell those teenagers about JJ and SS' problems, I guess they have already found that from JJ & SS' behavior, and so tried to make fun of  JJ (perhaps SS as well).
    Today when they got up to the bus, JJ was okay as I tried hard to encourage her to ignore the teasing. I prayed with her every night about that, hoped that she will feel better. However, SS was a bit hesitate to get up to the bus. He did get up finally. Then I decided to "warn" the boy sitting at the front of JJ (according to JJ, the boy initiated the teasing). I knocked the window and tell him seriously that he shouldn't make fun of JJ. He denied for sure. But I could see JJ's smiling face afterward.
    Anyway, even if we can't stop this kind of teasing/ bullying, at least we have to show support to our kids.

  2. Yes, that's our biggest challenge! When they get to Secondary school, those teasing and bullying are inevitable, I am very worried too.
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:33:00]yes, that's the biggest challenge in the secondary school.

  3. There is a boy bullying my son too, both in school and school bus. W.H started to defend by shouting at him and fight against him. What' more, W.H was selected to be the 'school bus prefect' and he could 宅名 of this naughty boy. Actually it's not of much use but that made him feel better.
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:35:00]That's a good arrangement. And it's good that W.H konws how to defense.

  4. My impression of teenagers studying in International School (Secondary) are very naughty.  They won't listen to their teachers, parents, ... how can they listen to u la
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:36:00]I don't think they will listen to us either.
    Today when JJ & SS got up to the bus, JJ was okay as I tried hard to encourage her to ignore the teasing. I prayed with her every night about that, hoped that she will feel better. However, SS was a bit hesitate to get up to the bus. He did get up finally. Then I decided to "warn" the boy sitting at the front of JJ (according to JJ, the boy initiated the teasing). I knocked the window and tell him seriously that he shouldn't make fun of JJ. He denied for sure. But I could see JJ's smiling face afterward.
    Anyway, even if we can't stop this kind of teasing/ bullying, at least we have to show support to our kids.

  5. 真叫人擔心啊! 我都好擔心將來Johnson會遇到類似的事情,他肯定會跟這些孩子打起來。 唯有教JJ不要理會那些壞孩子,如果那些孩子變本加利,大人就要出面跟他們講理了,最壞的打算就是換校車。
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:45:00]我們住得離學校比較遠, 我和外子又要工作, 孩子只能坐校車上學。不過, 校車公司知道我們孩子的問題, 如果再有欺凌事件, 我們也會要求他們處理。
    ST要求Johnson做日記, 應該是口頭覆述事件經過的練習, 所以重點不妨先放在報告時的流暢和細節, 他若只想說開心的事也不要緊的。

  6. "我也明白孩子越成長,需要面對這類的情況會越多,如何避免孩子被欺凌真讓我們費煞思量。唯有盡快教曉孩子們保護自己,但這對於社交能力弱的自閉兒 / 亞氏保加症患兒來說,真是一大難題呀!"
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:47:00]是呀, SS不明白人情世故,所以也比較快樂。但我們也要教曉他保護自己。

  7. (Empty)
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:56:00]謝謝你呀! 也祝你一家節日快樂!

  8. 大家都遇到類似的情況,教曉孩子怎樣保護自己是我們的責任,可是做起來卻一點也不容易,這些都是他們難於理解和缺乏的!
    [版主回覆02/09/2009 13:51:00]真不容易呀!

  9. 我仲唸到好鬼長遠, 驚佢第時比女仔欺騙...你知啦, 佢0地比較單純
    但我老公竟然話, 佢識到女仔先算啦...都唔知好嬲定好笑
    大家一齊努力...不過, 你估同佢0地講會唔會明0既呢...因為我發覺有時同我個仔講, 咁樣危險0架...佢好似唔多明咁...
    [版主回覆02/11/2009 17:33:00]我也不敢想得這麼遠!
    SS和JJ年齡大些, 可以理解什麼是危險。你的孩子年幼, 但就算不理解也要讓他變成習慣。

  10. 其實我也很擔心Sunny, 他是一個比較單純的孩子, 相信遇到類似事情, 也不懂怎樣反抗;而且對於別人的說話、態度的含意也難以真正理解, 而他描述事情的表達能力也較弱;所以他更不會主動提出不開心的事情。
    我現在可以做的就是主動引導和鼓勵他, 讓他多講有關在學校的事, 或在參與一些活動後, 教他分享感受和用合適當的字詞表達自己的心情, 無論開心或不開心, 讓我能多了解。
    在孩子的成長路上, 必定會遇到更多這些情況, 需要去面對。做媽媽的, 唯有盡量教他們怎樣保護自己, 在他們身邊協助, 但做起來真的不容易。
    [版主回覆02/11/2009 17:31:00]你的做法很對呀!

  11. Yeah. Mom did what you supposed to do!!!
    [版主回覆02/11/2009 17:29:00]thanks! just do what I can do.

  12. Actually , I want him to learn Kung Fu to protect himself but he doesn't like.
    [版主回覆02/11/2009 17:29:00]that's a good idea! but their coordination is weak, it's not easy to learn Kung Fu.

  13. JJ和Rachael一樣是很敏感的小孩, 遇到欺凌她們會反抗,保護自己的, 但是否用一些別人能接受的方法或又是挑起另外一些問題又是一個難題
    我們最擔心是遇到別人挑釁時她們不會向師長求助, 反而自己去解決去反擊, 事後卻未能清晰講出前因後果,總之就是有理說不清的情況下, 受到誤解和責罰最終可能是我們的孩子
    [版主回覆02/11/2009 17:28:00]是呀! JJ報告事件的能力還是弱了些。而且我更怕的是JJ誤會別人。

  14. Don't need to worry too much. School life is the best place for them to learn, to fail, to succeed, to adapt and to adjust!!!!( parents and teachers are the facilitator). Hopefully, they would be ready once they finished the high school.
    [版主回覆02/11/2009 17:23:00]"Hopefully, they would be ready once they finished the high school."
    Really hope so!
